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Before I'm Dead

A starving artist is such an anomaly.  There's many of us out there.  Some of us are able to maintain productivity regardless and continually be inspired regardless.  While others (like me) are waiting for art to happen -- and it hardly happens on a shoe string budget and the energy to produce anything because of stressing over paying the bills.  Those big canvases and art supplies aren't going to materialize itself, you know.  

So, when I think about art and the elite class, those who actually buy art and sometimes appreciate it, I often fantasize running in those circles.  How would it be for once be appreciated? Sure I've exhibited in small venues, and I am grateful for it; however, that's small time.  Many came to appreciate it but hardly bought a thing.  

It's also nice to have that emotional support, that everyday cheerleader in your life that supports what you do but sometimes what's needed most is the patron of your art.  Someone who will buy your stuff, who will introduce you to other venues and other art patrons and collectors.  Of course, I'm not only talking about visual arts because I am multidisciplinary.

I will get it together one day, I always say to myself.  Just like I'm going to start juicing, make time for yoga and meditate. Truth is, sometimes transformation is just who you know, and how do you make that possible?  Change the circle you run in.  If you have raggedy, seedy friends who hang out at the bars most of the time...that's what you'll get.  If you start presenting yourself well in good light and attend places where successful people congregate, then you just might gain the attention.  At least, it would be a little refreshing from the norm, wouldn't it?  One must make it a practice to move out of his or her comfort zone.

Basically, what the bottom line is:  if you don't like the way things are going for you, change your lifestyle because if you keep doing something the same way every time and not get any results--stagnation is what you'll essentially get.

Art for art's sake?  Of course and always, but still...


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