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Showing posts from August, 2014

Creativity and Travel

I have for so long neglected my writing and artistic pursuits, and lately, I have this vision of starting a new book.  Don't know what the premise will be, but I definitely feel it brewing. This is a good sign.  I just have to follow all the good tips on how to kick-start creativity and get back to a creative lifestyle.  I have been concentrating on how to get my foot in the door at the college institution full-time so that I can have stability, but I now realize that the moment is NOW.  Like now is a better time than any to continue traveling.   Why wait until retirement? I want to go to Europe, an area I have not visited yet.  I will also start saving for my high school reunion trip to Costa Rica in 2015.  I always believed in order to experience a place, you actually have to live there, but there's also times where just being there can just be as rewarding. As I am nearing 50, I see how important it is to check off those things on ...

Continual Loss

I have continually grieve over these losses.   One Art by Elizabeth Bishop The art of losing isn’t hard to master; so many things seem filled with the intent to be lost that their loss is no disaster. Lose something every day. Accept the fluster of lost door keys, the hour badly spent. The art of losing isn’t hard to master. Then practice losing farther, losing faster: places, and names, and where it was you meant to travel. None of these will bring disaster. I lost my mother’s watch. And look! my last, or next-to-last, of three loved houses went. The art of losing isn’t hard to master. I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster, some realms I owned, two rivers, a continent. I miss them, but it wasn’t a disaster. —Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture I love) I shan’t have lied. It’s evident the art of losing’s not too hard to master though it may look like ( Write  it!) like disaster.

Another milestone!

First day of middle school!

Resurrecting this blog! Yay!

Two years have passed since my last post.  My youngest daughter, who is now 11, have embarked on an adventure abroad to a tranquil and remote speck of an island in the middle of the Pacific where I taught English Composition, Speech Communication, Advanced Reading, and Introduction to Art for the whole year of 2013.  It was a sobering experience to come back, leaving my significant other behind to pursue his own dreams. As I adjust to Florida life once again, I embark another semester teaching at Hillsborough Community College and Pasco Hernando State College this fall of 2014, hopefully landing a full-time teaching gig somewhere sometime soon.  But in the meantime, I will be cleansing my mind, body and soul, and enriching other minds...